Tuesday, July 25, 2006

dude where´s my bike.?

SoundMinded was all good! Altough, someone in need of a faster transportation stole my bike from under my nose. Bumbaclaat! There was also a decent "saloon" type fight which started with
a powerful hit by a chair to a mans head, the man hit responded by breaking a glass to chairmans head,sick! There is never any trouble with young people it´s the older customers of the bar who act like damn fools! Behave. They should show an example to the youth, what kind of an example is that, be a drunk fighting idiot.?

I found enuff courage to pick up the microphone first time ever. It possibly made the "show" a bit more energetic. Jahli had to cancel his set cause he was abroad. Thank you to all.

Check out pictures from SoundMinded @ Caustic Candy website: causticsite.tk